Monday, July 30, 2012

Zoya Mira, Zoya Malia, and Rainbow Honey The Element of Magic

I'm going shopping with the lovely Sara at My Life in Polish tomorrow and I am seriously excited. I'm on a quest for shimmer purples and I have these two specific creams I love the shades of, plus I have been dying to use my Rainbow Honey! Instead of hauling around bottles for color inspiration, I figured this mani would do the trick. I have been known to enter this particular store with 10 or more different colors on my fingers for a point of reference when I was trying to match something up. :)

This is two coats of Zoya Mira with an accent nail of Zoya Malia, and 2 coats of Rainbow Honey The Element of Magic on top of that.

Hmmm ... now I see how hard it is to photograph purples. It is less blue toned than this, and really deserves a better shot in the sun I imagine. Sadly, I went and played around with dotting and other combinations on my nails - so a do-over will have to wait for another day. :) Not an issue - I love this combo!

A note on Rainbow Honey - these mini bottles are really difficult to use. The brush is so short, you can barely dip it in to get polish and I can't imagine what that means when the level is low. Also, the big honkin' round cap dinged another one of my nails while I was painting. I may decant mine, even though I love the RH bottle so much. I'm not saying don't by a RH, I'm just saying - buy a full size LOL! The polish really is so lovely, it's worth it. (I got a peak at Sara's 20% Cooler and another friend's A Little Kindness, and they really are beautiful). Also, their flat rate shipping is pricey (I've heard it's because they choose to ship BY THE BOOK and disclose that it is nail polish?) so - save up for a big order to spread out the cost. **TOTALLY ENABLING HERE**
Happy polish shopping to Sara and me, and happy Tuesday to you!



  1. Beautiful combination! I really need Malia now lol.

  2. Thank you! I have to say, Zoya Malia has to be in my top 5 Zoya favorites for sure!

  3. I've been wondering for the last few days if that was Mira. I think I'll put that on my toes tomorrow. Great mani!

  4. I love The Worst Possible Thing but I agree, the mini bottles are TERRIBLE. Ugh! I wanted to let you know that I tagged you for a Liebster Award on my blog. All of the details are there! :)

    1. Thanks for the tag. I'm drafting up some posts as I prepare for my first week at a new job. I'd love to post that and I really appreciate the mention! <3
